ValueError: Mixing dicts with non-Series may lead to ambiguous ordering - Pandas

In this tutorial, we'll see how to solve a Pandas error – "ValueError: Mixing dicts with non-Series may lead to ambiguous ordering.".

We get this error from the Pandas when we try to create DataFrame with mixed elements:

  • dictionaries
  • non-Series
  • list
  • etc

In short to solve this error use json_normalize():

from pandas import json_normalize

Reproduce the error

First let's see an example with this error. Suppose we have data for the Game of Thrones movie - data is extracted from imdb by library - cinemagoer.

If you like to find how to extract and analyze IMDB with Python you can follow youtube channel - DataScientYst - we are planning video on this topic.

We would like to create DataFrame with this data like:

import pandas as pd

data = {'title': 'Game of Thrones',
 'year': 2011,
 'kind': 'tv series',
 'taglines': ['Winter is coming.',
  'Winter is here. (season 7)',
  'The Great War Is Here (Season 8)',
  'For the Throne.'],
 'number of votes': {10: 1210366,   9: 444762,  8: 192847,  7: 76850,  6: 30220,  
                     5: 18478,  4: 9341,   3: 7930,  2: 7145,  1: 65485},
 'arithmetic mean': 9.0,
 'median': 1}


we got error like:

ValueError: Mixing dicts with non-Series may lead to ambiguous ordering.

the one mentioned in the title.

Solve the error - json_normalize

To solve this error we will use: json_normalize

from pandas import json_normalize

Now we can create DataFrame from the input data without error. DataFrame below is transposed - for readability:

title Game of Thrones
year 2011
kind tv series
taglines [Winter is coming., Winter is here. (season 7), The Great War Is Here (Season 8), For the Throne.]
arithmetic mean 9.0
median 1
number of votes.10 1210366
number of votes.9 444762
number of votes.8 192847
number of votes.7 76850
number of votes.6 30220
number of votes.5 18478
number of votes.4 9341
number of votes.3 7930
number of votes.2 7145
number of votes.1 65485

Solve the error - json

Alternatively we can read only the important information for us by:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(data["taglines"])

which give us:

0 Winter is coming.
1 Winter is here. (season 7)
2 The Great War Is Here (Season 8)
3 For the Throne.

or if we read json file we can use Python json library to load the file as:

import json

data = json.load(open('data.json'))

df = pd.DataFrame(data["taglines"])