How to Highlight NaN Values in Pandas DataFrame

Here are two ways to highlight nan values in a Pandas DataFrame:

  1. highlight nan values in red - using pd.isna and style.applymap x: 'color: red' if pd.isna(x) else '')
  1. change background of nan values - comparing the value to itself x: '' if x==x else 'background-color: yellow')

Let's see several useful examples applying both ways in practice.

Step 1: Create sample DataFrame

Let's start with DataFrame with random numbers:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(5, 5)), columns=list(range(0, 5)))


0 1 2 3 4
0 48 12 94 73 13
1 9 77 24 6 63
2 63 38 49 86 39
3 93 98 84 91 8
4 59 55 10 64 87

Let's set some of those cells to NaN values with generating pairs of coordinates:

import numpy as np
randoms = np.random.choice(4,(5,2),replace=True)


array([[0, 2],
   [3, 2],
   [2, 1],
   [1, 3],
   [1, 1]])

set those coordinates to NaN values with simple loop and df.loc:

import numpy as np
for pair in randoms:
    df.loc[pair[0],pair[1]] = np.nan

this will result into:

0 1 2 3 4
0 48 12.0 NaN 73.0 13
1 9 NaN 24.0 NaN 63
2 63 NaN 49.0 86.0 39
3 93 98.0 NaN 91.0 8
4 59 55.0 10.0 64.0 87

Step 2: Highlight NaN values with lambda and pd.isna

First lets color all NaN values in the DataFrame by using a lambda and pd.isna: x: 'color: red' if pd.isna(x) else '')

You can see the result below:

  0 1 2 3 4
0 48 12.000000 nan 73.000000 13
1 9 nan 24.000000 nan 63
2 63 nan 49.000000 86.000000 39
3 93 98.000000 nan 91.000000 8
4 59 55.000000 10.000000 64.000000 87

Step 3: Highlight NaN values by changing background

In this step we are going to change the background of each NaN cell to yellow with applymap: x: '' if x==x else 'background-color: yellow')


  0 1 2 3 4
0 48 12.000000 nan 73.000000 13
1 9 nan 24.000000 nan 63
2 63 nan 49.000000 86.000000 39
3 93 98.000000 nan 91.000000 8
4 59 55.000000 10.000000 64.000000 87

Step 4: Highlight NaN values in specific columns

To change the color of NaN values only in selected columns we can use the parameter subset of method style.applymap. It can accept list of column names: x: '' if x==x else 'background-color: yellow', subset=[2,3])


  0 1 2 3 4
0 48 12.000000 nan 73.000000 13
1 9 nan 24.000000 nan 63
2 63 nan 49.000000 86.000000 39
3 93 98.000000 nan 91.000000 8
4 59 55.000000 10.000000 64.000000 87

Step 5: Highlight NaN values in specific columns and rows

It's possible to select rows and columns in which NaN values to be highlighted. For this purpose we will use 2d input in order to select rows and columns: subset=([0,1,2], slice(None)) x: '' if x==x else 'background-color: yellow', subset=([0,1,2], slice(None)))


  0 1 2 3 4
0 48 12.000000 nan 73.000000 13
1 9 nan 24.000000 nan 63
2 63 nan 49.000000 86.000000 39
3 93 98.000000 nan 91.000000 8
4 59 55.000000 10.000000 64.000000 87
