How to Count Na(NaN) and non Na Values in Pandas?

In this article, we will cover how to count NaN and non-NaN values in Pandas DataFrame or column.

Missing values in Pandas are represented by NaN - not a number but sometimes are referred as:

  • NA
  • None
  • null

We will see how to count all of them.

Here is how to count NaN and non NAN values in Pandas:

(1) Count NA Values in Pandas DataFrame


(2) Count non NA Values in DataFrame


(3) Count NA Values in Pandas column


(4) Count non NA Values in DataFrame


Count Na Values

To count the number of NaN values in a Pandas DataFrame or Series, we can

  • use the .isna() method
  • then sum the resulting Boolean values( 1 = True, 0 = False):


To count Na values in the whole Pandas DataFrame we can apply isna() on every column:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': ['a', None, 3, None, 5],
          		 'col2': [None, 7, 'b', 3, 4]})

na_count = df.isna().sum()


col1    2
col2    1
dtype: int64


To count Na values in Pandas column we can sum Na values in the column:


The result is the number of the Na values in this column - 2.

Count non Na Values

To count the number of non-NaN values in a Pandas DataFrame or Series, we can use methods:

  • pandas.DataFrame.count
  • pandas.Series.count


Method count return number of the non Na values for the whole DataFrame:



col1    3
col2    4
dtype: int64

Not that this will count the non Na values column wise. For row-wise refer to the next section.


We can count non Na values in a given Pandas DataFrame row-wise by using parameter axis=1 and pass it to count method:


result is non Na values in each row:

0    1
1    1
2    2
3    1
4    2
dtype: int64    


To count non NaN values in Pandas column we can use the Series count method:


as output we get the number of non Na values in col1: 3.

The code above is equivalent to:


Count non Na values - describe()

We can use Pandas method describe to count non Na values in the whole DataFrame or column by:



count 	3
unique	3
top   	a
freq  	1
Name: col1, dtype: object

Count Na values - value_counts()

We can check the number of Na or non Na values also by using the method: value_counts(). To do so we need to pass parameter dropna=False:



None	2
a   	1
3   	1
5   	1
Name: col1, dtype: int64    

Count percent of missing values

To count the percent of the missing values in each column of Pandas DataFrame we can use:

  • isna()
  • chain method mean()

This will give us the percent of the Na values in the selected columns:

col1	0.4
col2	0.2
dtype: float64

Multiply by 100 to get value between 0 and 100:

df.isna().mean() * 100


col1	40.0
col2	20.0
dtype: float64

Count Na and non Na values in column

To count both Na and non Na values in Pandas column we can use isna in combination with value_coutns() method:


The results is number of Na and non Na values in this column:

False	3
True 	2
Name: col1, dtype: int64


In this article we covered how to count the number of NaN and non NaN values in Pandas DataFrame. We saw how to count row and column-wise.

We count Na values for the whole DataFrame or a single column. Finally we saw how to calculate the percent of missing values and count Na / non Na values in a column.